Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Changing of seasons

Last night, as I went to the canteen to buy some "bao zhu", I stared hypnotized at how beautiful the moon was. It was a clear, cloudless, chilly night and I sensed a difference in how the evening felt from other nights. There were still several ice patches on the pathways but most have cleared as if preparation for the coming of youth draped in all its innocence and beauty.

The cold isn't as harsh as it had been for the last several months. Soon, we can expect the changes in colors ... reds, yellows, whites, blues, and greens. Spring will once again be a mixing palette of life's hues.

But like the caterpillar which would soon be a butterfly, we will all be shedding our heavy winter garments, and loosen our body movements in light apparels. There'll be more outdoor activities ... and most importantly, cold beers to quench the thirst on a hot summer day.

I am really looking forward to one of the plans Michael and I have been talking about. A barbecue party outside out building, where we'd have the drums and guitars tempting passing students to dance to the rhythm and melodies, lounges, chairs and sofas where we could sit and enjoy the campus outdoor in style, and of course friends will be there to catch up on events that went on during our hibernation.

I like these ideas.

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